JavaScript ( Data Types )

JavaScript ( Data Types )

There are 5 Java Script (Data Types) :


What is a String ?

In computer programming, a string is Letters, words, and sentences are called strings in coding. Quotation marks are used to show the start and end of a string. For example, 'hello world' is a string.

Strings are also in Arrays, the list of Arrays, strings can either be like this (' ') or (" ").


What is a Number ?

Computers work by processing and manipulating numbers. Most programming languages make a distinction between whole numbers and decimal numbers.

Numbers in coding can also be used as (Index or lastIndex) example :

let index = [

it will print out

      'ana', - 0

 'zunaira', - 1

 'folakunmi', - 2

 'waleed', - 3

 'mansour', - 4

 'alyssa' - 5

it always starts from 0


What is a Boolean ?

a boolean refers to a value that is either true or false. , where the value of true is 1 and the value of false is 0.


What is an Array ?

An array, is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements, each identified by at least one array index. An array uses strings in each line and column.


What is an Object ?

An object is an abstract data type, An object has state (data) and behavior (code).