What is HTML ?
What is HTML used for ?
What does HTML mean ?
Why do we need to use HTML ?
What are 5 basic stuff about HTML ?
What is HTML ?
The Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript.
What is HTML used for ?
HTML is used for web pages and websites, it is all the writings, the bullet points and things like, pictures (in web pages / websites pictures can be used in 2 ways, first, it is HTML and the second, is JavaScript).
Example of HTML
The words were put using HTML, the design is CSS (we will talk about that in another blog)
What does HTML mean ?
HTML means - Hyper Text Markup Language
Why do we need to use HTML ?
HTML, like i said before is used primarily for the start of your web page, it puts text, it underlines, it can be used for lists, it can make texts bold, it can break your lines, so, basically it used to actually start the web page.
What are 5 basic stuff about HTML ?
HTML is almost like JavaScript, and the both have tags, i will show some basic starter HTML tags.
HTML tags :
<!DOCTYPE html> - This is used to start your HTML code page.
< head > < /head > - this part is where your title goes.
- < title > < /title > - This your title tag.
Whenever you see this (/) that means it is the closing tag.
< body > < /body > - where your HTML code starts.
< HTML > < /HTML > - To show this is your HTML.
In HTML there are headings up to 6 different heading 1 is the greatest 6 is the smallest.
Those headings are written like this ( < h1 > < /h1>, < h2 > < /h2>, < h3 > < /h3>, < h4 > < /h4>, < h5 > < /h5>, < h6 > < /h6>.
- < p > < /p > - Used for paragraphs.
Here are 3 videos for you to understand more